Image Mosaic

October 11th 2015

Sometime ago I saw a poster somewhere that was a picture of something, it may have been of the Mona Lisa, but I am not actually sure. Anyways, when you looked at it closely you could see it was a mosaic of a bunch of smaller photographs that made up the one big image. This is what motivated this project. The matlab code for the results shown below can be found here.

To start off, I tried to making a mosaic image using the original image. An example is shown below. As you zoom in you can see that the big image is actually made up by a bunch of smaller lower-resolution images of itself.


Screenshot 2015-10-11 15.26.20


The process of making the image is fairly straight forward. First you lowpass filter the original image and then decimate it to make a smaller low-resolution version of the original image. I call this smaller low-resolution image a “tile”. This process is shown in the three images below.Screenshot 2015-10-11 15.41.19


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The image below show the original image and the image used to make the mosaic tile.

Screenshot 2015-10-11 14.39.12



The result of the mosaic of image 1 with image 2 is shown below.

Screenshot 2015-10-11 16.04.34

The code used to generate these images, as well the image files are found here. Over the next week or so I plan to update the code so that you can create a mosaic image from a collection of images.